REST Fest EU 2019



Why is there no agenda or CFP?

We call this “Everybody talks everybody listens”™️. Each participant is given a slot to present the subject of their choosing. Depending on the attendance we’ll have speaking slots between 5 and 30 minutes long.

Should I hurry?

That depends… But given the active participation format of REST Fest, availability is limited. We prefer a smaller crowd and encourage active knowledge sharing.

Do I have to talk about (RESTful) APIs?

Not necessarily. Participants can talk about anything API, even GraphQL or SOAP ;). In fact, you can present anything you find exciting: the biggest challenge they’re facing, a cool tool they’ve used or built, or lessons learned from working on a new team - or none of the above. Sometimes a participant simply poses a question to the entire group, and lively conversation ensues. Surely, API-related subjects are preferred but there have been exceptions indeed.